360 Direct Care™
There Was a Time Doctors Made House Calls
Your local doctor knew you and your family. When you were ill and required care late at night there was no need for a visit to an urgent care or emergency room. You called your family doctor and they came to your home.
Welcome to 360 Direct CareTM

Your healthcare should not sound or feel like an Abbott & Costello comedy routine.
Lex has an ear infection. Ear infections are something she lives with. She knows what is wrong and what treatment works.
She calls her Ear, Nose and Throat Physician’s office. They cannot see her for months and suggest calling her Primary Care Physician.
Her Primary Care Physician cannot see her for weeks. They recommend a walk-in Urgent Care .
Urgent Care refuses treatment to Lex because she has had multiple ear infections.
Who’s on First.
With 360 Direct CareTM Lex calls her personal 24/7 Virtual Primary Care physician and receives treatment in real time complete with an otoscope exam of her ear from the comfort of her home or office.

- Access to one of YOUR 4 Doctors
- Scheduled Appointments
- 24/7/365 Service
- Online Medical Records
- HIPAA Secure Communication
- AI-Personal Care Support
- Smarter Search Savings
- NO Per Visit Charges
- NO Co-Pay
- NO Co-Insurance
The future of healthcare is here now with 360 DIRECT CARETM. If your organization has 1,500 employees or members on plan or 150,000 each member is assigned to a local family practice serviced by four physicians, physician assistants, and nurses.
After your first visit, your medical records are available during your virtual visit. Your clinicians get to know you as an individual and you get to know them. This level of personal care is essential to effective care and unfortunately unavailable to most.
Your 360 DIRECT CARETM physician has access to state-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence care programs. These programs are HIPAA compliant and provide bi-directional messaging. They are smart enough to notify your family practice if a clinical metric reaches a designated level. They learn your preferences and behaviors to more effectively provide you with the tools you need to improve your health, to lead a richer fuller life.
360 DIRECT CARETM is available to self-funded, self-insured groups. Because this is a flat fee shared-cost service you never pay for your visits. There are no deductibles, no co-pays, and no co-insurance costs to you.
Contact us at i[email protected] to learn more about 360 Direct CareTM
Personalized Treatment Plans Empower Users to Better Manage Chronic Conditions

Lifestyle Support is delivered with BehavioralRXTM.
Content and Messaging Designed to Incrementally Increase Adherence to Your Prescribed Care Plan.
Users Experience Improved Outcomes.
Diabetes is one example of the 10 Chronic Care Programs available with 360 Direct CareTM.
- Influence Technology: Activation through shared decision making.
- Anchoring Technology: Cognitively connecting a desired action with an existing everyday activity.
- Wonder & Wander Technology: Activation by increasing memory persistence and recall via mental and physical activities that stimulate necessary neuroreceptors.
- Reduction Technology: Activation through simplifying.
- Tailoring Technology: Activation through customization.
- Nurturing Technology: Guided persuasion.
- Environment of Need Technology: Intervening at the right time.
- Conditioning Technology: Reinforcing target behavior.

Contact us at i[email protected] to learn more about 360 Direct CareTM

Tailoring Technology: our AI-System learns YOUR preferences to ACTIVATE YOUR learning.
Nurturing Technology: YOUR content is curated to creating GUIDED PERSUASION.
Wonder & Wander Technology: Activation by increasing memory persistence and recall via mental and physical activities that stimulate necessary neuroreceptors with bi-directional HIPAA SMS messaging, videos, White Papers, and more.
Over half the adults in the United States do NOT have a Primary Care Physician. Your 360 Direct CareTM doctor can fill that role for you. If you do have a Primary Care Physician, you can still use all the 360 Direct CareTM services. Your 360 Direct CareTM clinicians will coordinate care with your local physician upon your request.
Based on your virtual visit with your 360 Direct CareTM physician an in-person service is appropriate Smarter Search is your go-to tool. Smarter Search uses your organization’s paid claims data as well as our paid claims database to identify the closest value-based In-Network Provider for blood work, Imaging, Predictable Commodity Out-Patient Surgery, and Urgent Care.
Smarter Search users save 38.7% by using the value-based In-Network providers vetted by your plan’s Third-Party Administrator. Every time you use Smarter Search your results are created with our algorithms in real-time with the most current and up-to-date data.

Contact us at i[email protected] to learn more about 360 Direct CareTM