360 Advantage TM Delivers for Employers and Employees.
- EMPLOYEES Get Additional Benefits
- Improved EMPLOYEE Health
- Improved Productivity


On average, the EMPLOYER realizes a $623 Tax Saving Per Employee with 360 Advantage TM that goes straight to the bottom line. The average EMPLOYEE enjoys a Tax Savings of $1,800. The employee’s $1,800 can be used to purchase supplemental benefits. It is the equivalent of GIVING EVERY EMPLOYEE an $1,800 RAISE to FIGHT INFLATION, at a ‘PROFIT’ of $623.
How does 360 Advantage TM deliver tax savings?
360 Advantage TM utilizes three documents, a Preventative Care Management Plan document, a Section 125 Plan document, and a SIMRP document, to create a fully IRS, ERISA, and ACA compliant is a Preventative Care Management Program.
Employees are reimbursed premiums by their employer for actively participating in a 213(d) compliant wellness program, generating tax savings for employees. The model has been meticulously reviewed by CPAs and ERISA attorneys to ensure compliance. Section 104(a)(3) states as long as the premium being reimbursed correlates with benefits that are Sec 213(d) compliant, the reimbursement is not taxable because they are employee contributions.
The Self-Insured Medical Reimbursement Plan (SIMRP) allows employee reimbursement of premiums paid to the wellness plan after tax. Having 213(d) compliant benefits is the differentiator between a compliant program and a non-compliant program. The IRS Chief Counsel Memo Number: 201622031 (5/27/2016) states: Under the SIMRP, a reimbursement of the premium for the 213(d) compliant preventative care management program is compliant with 105-11 guidelines. It does not have to be the actual dollar value of each use of the 213(d) compliant benefits or how much they have used during the pay period.
Improved Health
Smarter Care™ Incrementally increases adherence to prescription drugs and compliance to Physician Prescribed Care Plans. The results are healthier employees and reduced healthcare costs. Digital Therapeutics are the key to reducing care costs while improving the health of your insured population, including your insureds with multiple chronic conditions.
We can put a price on these services because there are quantifiable savings. Examples are a 30% reduction in use of opioids for chronic pain, a 20% reduction in readmissions after cardiac procedures, or a 19% increase in adherence to physicians’ care plans by diabetics.
Our AI Digital Personal Health Coaches use RPM for employees who will benefit from Human Intervention as required by the Clinical Measures Their Personal Physician Sets. With RPM your employee is invited to visit their physicians’ office, instead of the ER or hospital. An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure has never really been practical. AI, Machine Learnings, and RPM turn that old axiom into bottom line reality.
Life has never been more complex than it is in our Post-Pandemic, Social Media, 24/7 News driven society. Behavioral and Mental Health directly impacts physical health and on the job productivity. Mental and behavioral health support content and functionality for:
- Anxiety
- Behavioral Health
- Brain Health
- Coping Skills
- Life Skills
- Mind Gym Mindfulness
- Peer-to-Peer Moderated Chat
- Physical Health
- Smoking & Vaping Cessation
- Mindfulness
- Stress
Improved Worker Productivity
While most employers understand that investing in human capital improves the company bottom line, many are only beginning to understand the impact health has on worker productivity. The indirect costs of poor health including absenteeism, disability, or reduced work output are estimated to be multiples higher than healthcare expenses.
Productivity losses related to personal and family health problems cost U.S. employers $1,685 per employee per year, or $225.8 billion annually according to the CDC. Indirect costs affect all employers, even those who avoid direct medical costs by not funding health insurance.
Absenteeism is when a worker is not at their place of work. Sometimes absenteeism is due to physical health challenges. However, it can also be attributed to mental health causes, ranging from stress and anxiety to depression and a host of other mental and behavioral health challenges, including substance abuse disorders.
Presenteeism occurs when a worker is reporting to work but is not working up to their full capability or capacity due to illness or mental health challenges. Physical and mental health issues prevent well intentioned employees from doing their best work. Common causes of presenteeism include diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and other chronic health conditions. The Harvard Business Review estimated that presenteeism costs the U.S. economy upwards of $350 billion annually in lost productivity.
Unlike any other workplace wellness program, 360 Advantage TM is fully funded with tax savings. The average company savings is $600 net, after the program is fully funded. The average employee realizes annual savings of $1,800 which are applied towards supplemental benefits, with NO reduction in their take home pay.
Download the 360 AdvantageTM
360 New York, 1330 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10019 Main Line (917) 983-0525